The United Nations established June 3rd as World Bicycle Day on April 12, 2018, The international body adopted a resolution declaring the significance of the day and was unanimously adopted by all 193 member states of the UN General Assembly. .
As the UN website states:

Acknowledging the uniqueness, longevity and versatility of the bicycle, which has been in use for two centuries, and that it is a simple, affordable, reliable, clean and environmentally fit sustainable means of transportation, fostering environmental stewardship and health, the General Assembly decided to declare 3 June World Bicycle Day.
It encouraged stakeholders to emphasize and advance the use of the bicycle as a means of fostering sustainable development, strengthening education, including physical education, for children and young people, promoting health, preventing disease, promoting tolerance, mutual understanding and respect and facilitating social inclusion and a culture of peace.
The overall concept of the day to appreciate the versatility of the bicycle, in addition to its dependability and sustainability as a mode of transportation. So we asked our Crew members from across our international reach to share some thoughts on what the bike means to them and some images from their part of the world.
We hope you get out and celebrate the bike on June 3rd, and as many days as you can beyond. #ridemoredomore

Jonathan Wells, Scotland, UK
“Bikes mean freedom, limitless new adventures, unforgettable stories, and sharing high fives with all the new friends you meet along the way.
Bikes have taken me to some pretty amazing places that I might never have seen nor set foot in if it wasn’t for bikes.
Likewise, I’ve met so many genuinely amazing people along the way who all share the same passion for bikes. The community is unreal!
All thanks to a shared love of bikes!”

Filip Zuan, Switzerland, EU
“Mountain biking is my metaphor for life – if you get off balance, you crash. It is a perfect reminder.”

Erik Proaño, Utah, USA
“I have a passion for the remoteness of the backcountry and the peace that those places offer. I believe the mountain bike is the perfect tool to access the beauty of our natural sanctuaries. I ride to reach deep into and immerse myself in the splendor of our natural environment.”

When you get views like this on the iconic Sea Cliff Bridge, it makes those early alarms totally worth it. (*fun fact: It’s near the home of 2022 Road Worlds)
Marley Blonsky, Washington, USA
“I love riding bikes because it makes me feel connected to my community. When I’m on a bike, I can say hi to my neighbors, see the changes happening, and stop and have a conversation with anyone. Plus, it’s a really fun, low-cost, environmentally friendly way to get around town!”

Dana Dobbs, Maryland, USA
“There are times my deafness leaves me feeling stupid or inadequate. When I ride, I feel like I can level the playing field. Riding isn’t about being able to hear or even communicate, for that matter. Riding is about oneness with my bike and with the world around me. It doesn’t matter if I can hear. If it happens to be a race, it gives me a chance to prove to myself and to others that I am enough, just the way I am.”

Mitchel Ho, New South Wales, Australia
“There’s nothing quite like escaping from the rush of the big smoke and passing through small towns, where life moves at a more reasonable pace.”

Melissa Westergard, Colorado, USA
“I ride to restore balance in my life. It’s where I’m able to find peace. Whether it’s a slow roll on the back trail or an intense sprint training session, I find that I return home with a renewed outlook. And can tackle the challenges of life with a better attitude.”

Jen Toops, Colorado, USA
“Riding lets me explore new places, smell the fresh mountain air, make new friends, challenge myself, and most importantly, it makes me smile!”

Deanna McCurdy, Colorado, USA
“I love the feeling of conquering a climb, struggling and overcoming rocks, roots, and the brain’s desire to quit. The reward of the view at the top, looking back and seeing where I came from way down below, knowing that my legs pushed me and my mind willed me to this point, is a personal victory. Indeed such a life metaphor.”

David Cachon, Spain, EU
“The bicycle is part of my life. Thanks to it, I have visited incredible places and lived magical moments. And have met wonderful people. Happy World Bike Day.”